Sunday, July 17, 2011

Caro's Favorite Songs: Part 4

The Chemical Brothers - The Sunshine Underground
To quote a commenter on YouTube: "This song is the best to describe how beatiful life can be!" Yep.
Incubus - Pardon Me
I went through a brief period wheere I was absolutely obsessed with Incubus. They were one of the best rock bands around in the early 2000s, and this still stands up as a great song 10 years later.
"I've had enough of the world and its peoples mindless games."
Ben Folds Five - One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces
Ben Folds used to make catchy songs that captured being a dork and a nerd with a self depricating sense of humor. Needless to say, I can relate.
"Kiss my ass goodbye."
Junip - In Every Direction
I've mentioned before how much I love Jose Gonzales and his bands, Junip. This is why.
"You're the center and you're always free in every direction."    
Bear In Heaven - Lovesick Teenagers
I'm sure I've talked about this song before. I keep mentioning because I think it's just that good. The way the chorus shoots up to the stratosphere gets me every time.
"We should find a flock of birds big enough to pull us up from the long road."
Arcade Fire - Wake Up
I blame the Where the Wild Things Are for making me want to cry every time I hear this song now. "Brings up childhood memories like nothing else. If the children don't grow up, our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up."
The XX - Shelter
The sexiest song in existence.
"Can I make it better, with the lights turned on."
Coldplay - Shiver
You know, before Coldplay became determined to prove with every song that they're the biggest band in the world, they were damn good when they put their minds to it.
"Did you want me to change? Well I changed for good."
Broadcast - Come On Let's Go
Have I mentioned I like the 60s? Because I'm thinking I have. So naturally I love Broadcast because every song is a pop gem that sounds straight out of 1965.
"Stop looking for answers in everyone's face. Come on let's go."
The Dismemberment Plan - The City
And I also love the 90s. This is the best band from the 90s you've never heard of.
"The parks lay empty like my unmade bed. The streets are silent like my lifeless telephone."

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