Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Songs in My Head
Just a quick post to showcase a few songs I'm in love with right now.
The Counting Crows-A Long December
I've been on a pretty serious 90s kick lately, and this is one of those songs I never really paid attention to back in the day. I'm not even that big of a fan of the Counting Crows, but there's something that gets to me about this song. I drive to Cleveland almost every day, and it's made me realize that this song is Ohio.
Adele-Rumor Has It
I thought I loved "Rolling in the Deep" until the radio killed it. Then I heard this, and I was hooked on Adele once again.
Ray LaMontagne-Repo Man
First, the groove. Second, the voice. Third, dance.
Best song I've heard in a long time.
TV on the Radio-Will Do
This is one of those bands that I feel like I should love, but have always left me kind of cold (except for "Wolf Like Me"). With this song, they seemed to have stopped caring about being hip and just made something stunningly lovely.
Pearl Jam-Alive (live at Pink Pop '92)
Closing out with another classic from the 90s. When I was younger, I always insisted that I didn't like Pearl Jam, or much grunge at all for that matter. Lately. while working on a massive 90s playlist, I started digging around a lot of early 90s grunge and I realized that every early Pearl Jam song I found was really damn good. So, I found a live performance to watch and see what they were like in their prime. I have rarely, if ever, seen a frontman like Eddie Vedder was back in 1992. This is a powerhouse performance from the entire band. Watch it. You'll thank me.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Caro's Favorite Songs: Part 5
Blonde Redhead-Spring and By Summer Fall
All the echo and reverb atmosphere you could possibly ask for.
"Tell me where you've been tell me what you saw"
El Guincho-Antillas
Anytime you want a touch of Mardi Gras to thunder through your house, turn this up.
Frou Frou-Psychobabble
Is it bad that I enjoy songs that get into the back of my head and give me the creeps? Plus, Imogen Heap is a goddess.
"Why are you so quiet, so suddenly?"
Just slap some flowers in my hair and call me a hippie already...
"I know in time we'll be together
And now our love will make this sound"
Cocteau Twins-Alice
Thank you "Lovely Bones" trailer for smacking me in the face with this incredibly lovely creation. Really, everything by the Cocteau Twins is lovely, but this is the jewel in the crown.
"When I lost him ache
Shudder shock of pale"
Gomez-Get Miles
This guy's voice makes me want to tear down buildings.
"I love this city but this city's killing me"
St. Vincent-Marrow
I don't even know what to categorize this as. Indie, freak, electronica, pop, noise? Sure.
"H. E. L.P.
Help me"
Wolf Parade-I'll Believe in Anything
I don't actually care for this band that much, but even mediocre bands can pull off a song that makes me smile every time I hear it.
"Your blood
Your bones
Your voice
and your ghost"
The Servant-Cells
Ok call me crazy, but I know this song was in Sin City without the vocals. But I like the song better with them. It makes it seem odder and creepier. So, any fanboys out there, don't kill me, please.
"My skin feels like orange peel
My eyes have been vacuum-sealed
My organs move like a squirm of eels"
The White Stripes-Death Letter (live)
The album version of this song is good, but you HAVE to watch this live performance. It's the reason why I chose this over every other great White Stripes song.
"I didn't know I loved her 'til they began to let her down"
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Caro's Favorite Songs: Part 4
The Chemical Brothers - The Sunshine Underground
To quote a commenter on YouTube: "This song is the best to describe how beatiful life can be!" Yep.
Incubus - Pardon Me
I went through a brief period wheere I was absolutely obsessed with Incubus. They were one of the best rock bands around in the early 2000s, and this still stands up as a great song 10 years later.
"I've had enough of the world and its peoples mindless games."
Ben Folds Five - One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces
Ben Folds used to make catchy songs that captured being a dork and a nerd with a self depricating sense of humor. Needless to say, I can relate.
"Kiss my ass goodbye."
Junip - In Every Direction
I've mentioned before how much I love Jose Gonzales and his bands, Junip. This is why.
"You're the center and you're always free in every direction."
Bear In Heaven - Lovesick Teenagers
I'm sure I've talked about this song before. I keep mentioning because I think it's just that good. The way the chorus shoots up to the stratosphere gets me every time.
"We should find a flock of birds big enough to pull us up from the long road."
Arcade Fire - Wake Up
I blame the Where the Wild Things Are for making me want to cry every time I hear this song now. "Brings up childhood memories like nothing else. If the children don't grow up, our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up."
The XX - Shelter
The sexiest song in existence.
"Can I make it better, with the lights turned on."
Coldplay - Shiver
You know, before Coldplay became determined to prove with every song that they're the biggest band in the world, they were damn good when they put their minds to it.
"Did you want me to change? Well I changed for good."
Broadcast - Come On Let's Go
Have I mentioned I like the 60s? Because I'm thinking I have. So naturally I love Broadcast because every song is a pop gem that sounds straight out of 1965.
"Stop looking for answers in everyone's face. Come on let's go."
The Dismemberment Plan - The City
And I also love the 90s. This is the best band from the 90s you've never heard of.
"The parks lay empty like my unmade bed. The streets are silent like my lifeless telephone."
Friday, July 8, 2011
Caro's Favorite Songs: Part 3
Duffy-Warwick Avenue
An old fashioned torch song that sounds straight out of late 60s soul. Somehow the Brits always do American music better than Americans do.
"I'm leaving you for the last time baby. You think you're loving, but you don't love me."
Goo Goo Dolls-Flat Top
Have I mentioned I have a soft spot for 90s alt-rock? The Goo Goo Dolls used to be a favorite of mine, and believe it or not, it was hard for me to pick a favorite song of theirs.
"A television war between the cynics and the saints. Flip the dial and that's whose side you're on."
The Strokes-Take It or Leave It
Honestly, I'm still somewhat baffled by the hype that surrounded the Strokes' first album. They are (or were) a really great rock band, but no more special than a dozen other garage bands. But then I read somewhere that the album "Is This It?" played like a greatest hits album, and I actually agreed. So they deserved that short lived hype, in a way. This is the greatest of their "greatest hits".
"He's gonna let you down. And gonna break your back, for a chance. And gonna steal your friends, if he can. He's gonna win someday."
Elliott Smith-Twilight
Hands down the saddest song I have ever heard. The lyrics themselves are somewhat sad, but the delivery just kills me. You just have to hear it.
"Because your candle burns too bright, well I almost forgot it was twilight."
Moloko-Fun for Me
Goofy and weird to the max. Some of you may have heard of Roisin Murphy, especially if you watch So You Think You Can Dance (Ramalama and Ruby Blue anyone?). This is the band she fronted before her solo songs ended up all over tv.
"I dream I'm at a crossroads no place left to go. I look in each direction a'eenie a'meanie a'miny mo."
Arctic Monkeys-From the Ritz to the Rubble
What else is a London brat to sing about but going out to a club and giving the middle finger to some authority figure?
"So step out the queue He makes examples of you And there's nowt you can say"
Robert Randolph & the Family Band-Ain't Nothing Wrong with That
This song just makes me happy and dance like a lunatic. Need I say more.
"Red, yellow, black or white (It don't matter) We all gettin' down tonight."
One of the more confident sounding songs to ever have been created. No pun intended. And the percussion kicks ass.
"Tell me no, I say yes, I was chosen. And I will deliver the explosion."
Patrick Wolf-Accident & Emergency
This guy is a British, tall, skinny redhead with a thing for feathers and shorts. I love him.
"And then again I'm feeling braver than I've even been. From the skull down to the feet."
The Verve-Bittersweet Symphony
Do I really have to say anything??
"And I'm a million different people from one day to the next."
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Caro's Favorite Songs: Part 2
Some things you need to know before reading this list.
1. No artists will be repeated.
2. Only newer artists (90s and newer) are listed.
3. The songs are not ranked or listed in any particular order. I literally put my iTunes on shuffle within my list and wrote about whatever played next.
4. These are not the "best" songs by any criteria. It's just what I like.
I'll probably be doing separate lists for classic songs and anything that I missed for the sake of variety in the list.
Bibio - Ambivalence Avenue
I'm so hopelessly in love with the intrumentation of this song. Wondeful clunky percussion and nice use of the flute.
"I had this beautiful day-dreaming moment, the sun was shining strangely amber."
Lily Allen - LDN
Bouncy and hilarious.
"Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore."
Blitzen Trapper - Furr
The story of a boy turning from man to wolf, from wolf to young man. A traditional folk song made unique by it's brilliantly simple melody and unique subject matter.
"And I lost the taste for judging right from wrong, for my flesh had turned to fur."
Mum - We Have a Map of the Piano
I once heard someone say that this song is what ragdolls would sound like if they came to life and started singing.
"I'll bottle piano sounds for you."
My Bloody Valentine - Loomer
Shoegaze music, to me, is all about floating away in a sea of guitar and feedback, and you don't get much more floaty than this.
"Tiptoe down to the lonely places."
Jonsi - Go do
Jonsi is the lead singer of the Icelandic band Sigur Ros, who are notorious for writing stunningly beautiful music, but I would not call them cheerful by any stretch. This makes this little burst of joy all the more surprising and satisfying.
"We should always know that we can do anything."
A Perfect Circle - The Outsider
Maynard James Keenan has a knack for writing songs that strike a nerve when I'm an especially pissed off mood. Listen, you'll see what I mean.
"What'll it take to get through to you, precious."
Air - La Femme d'Argent
Modern French music is kind a catastrophe as a rule with the exception of a few bands, and Air is one of them. The first song off their first album captures that slinky, sexy, lounge-y feeling that feels distinctly French, but palatable to everyone.
Apparat - Hailin' From the Edge
Enjoy listening to the bassline from hell.
"Won't you come with me. Can't close the door."
Audioslave - Shadow on the Sun
Audioslave peaked early as "superbands" often do. Their first album is still their best, and this is the centerpiece. Dark and brooding, but surprisingly powerful, this is Audioslave's best song and one of Chris Cornell's best vocal performances.
"And I can tell you why people go insane. I can show you how you could do the same."
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Caro's Favorite Songs: Part 1!
Some things you need to know before reading this list.
1. No artists will be repeated.
2. Only newer artists (90s and newer) are listed.
3. The songs are not ranked or listed in any particular order. I literally put my iTunes on shuffle within my list and wrote about whatever played next.
4. These are not the "best" songs by any criteria. It's just what I like.
I'll probably be doing separate lists for classic songs and anything that I missed for the sake of variety in the list.
On with the show! Here are the first 10 songs.
Radiohead - Pyramid Song
Quite possibly one of the most stunningly beautiful songs ever made, in my opinion. I enjoy songs that have a slightly alien edge to them, and any Radiohead fan knows their music often sounds like it's being broadcasted from Mars. Just close your eyes and float away on a river tinted red with a low-set sun.
"There was nothing to fear, nothing at all."
Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground
Being a person in my mid-20s, I have a strong affection for 90s music, mainly trip-hop. This is such a snarky, rebellious little song packed with plenty of sex and a bit of creepiness. The tumbling strings, French horns, and the lead singer's unique voice place this among the best trip-hop singles of the 90s.
"I'm open to falling from grace."
Rufus Wainwright - Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk
By far his most popular song, and for good reason. It's got the catchiest melody Wainwright has ever written, plus it's fun, clever, and decidedly queeny, just like Rufus. And it's all about cravings. And being kind of a manwhore. Love it.
"I'm just a little bit heiress, a little bit Irish, a little bit Tower of Pisa whenever I see you."
Goldfrapp - Pilots
Retro to the core and swathed in tons of strings, this is a romantic song to end all romantic songs. Goldfrapp turned to more vampy dance pop after their "Felt Mountain" album, but this is still the best music they've done.
"There's just the sound of you and me."
Kanye West - Power
Those of you who know me know that having a Kanye song on here is incredibly uncharacteristic of me. But I guess takes an asshole and a nutjob to call out the other assholes and nutjobs of the world, including himself.
"No one man should have all that power."
Interpol - Narc
This is the sountrack to a thousand relationships ending every time I hear it all the way down to the last deperate verse at the end. The chorus gives me chills. Sad and beautiful.
"Baby you can see that the gazing eye won't lie. Don't give up your lover tonight."
Stars - Your Ex-Lover is Dead
The feeling of running into a past boyfriend or girlfriend is strangely terrifying and confusing. You remember simultaneously why you fell for them in the first place, then why you left. Then you realize you don't regret a single moment, even the bad ones.
"I'm not sorry I met you. I'm not sorry it's over. I'm not sorry there's nothing to save."
Weezer - El Scorcho
The inside of every boy's head I knew in 8th grade.
"Goddamn you half-Japanese girls do it to me every time. Oh, the redhead said you shred the cello, and I'm jello, baby."
Fleet Foxes - Blue Ridge Mountains
I could listen to the first 50 seconds of this song over and over and over. Oh, and the rest of it is gorgeous too.
"In the quivering forest, where the shivering dog rests, our good grandfather built a wooden nest."
Lady GaGa - Teeth
We all know Lady GaGa is a freak, so when she comes stomping out like the weird sex goddess she is on this song, it only feels natural. I like disco GaGa, but I like her more when she's channeling some crazy mix of swamp water blues and diva soul.
"I'm gonna love you with my hands tied. Show me your teeth."
Reading: Fables 3:Storybook Love
Watching: The Tree of Life dir. Terrence Malick
Listening: King Khan and the Shrines
Monday, March 14, 2011
Caro's Brain: The Songs in My Head

(And yes I realize a handful of these songs were released a few years ago. Shush.)
Warpaint - Undertow
I'm always a sucker for pretty guitars and pretty voices. Wait til it picks up about halfway through, You'll thank me.
Drive-By Truckers - Used to be a Cop
This is about as good a the Trucker's special brand of Americana blue collar storytelling gets.
Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
SO EXCITED for a new album from these guys, especially based on this lead-off single.
The Heavy - How You Like Me Now?
Old school R&B (and I mean Sam and Dave, James Brown old school) meets rock n' roll badassery.
Sam Amidon - Saro
A stunningly lovely slice of Great Plains Americana/folk.
Carolina Chocolate Drops - Knockin'
I love this video because it looks like a few housewives standing around awkwardly, then this SONG comes out that's so freaking sexy. A modern interpretation of old time fireside songwriting.
Ray LaMontagne - Beg, Steal or Borrow
As stupid as this sounds, I thought this was a classic song from the 70s the first time I heard it. It has that lived-in feel to it, like you knew it existed before you ever heard it.
Aloe Blacc - I Need a Dollar
This guy is the second coming of Otis Redding, and if anybody damn well deserved a second coming, it would be Otis.
Fistful of Mercy - Father's Son
A foot-stomping assault of acoustic guitars and country swagger.
PJ Harvey - Written on the Forehead
Yet another PJ Harvey gem from her FAN-tastic new album "Let England Shake"
Junip - Always
There's something about Jose Gonzalez's voice that just gets me, and I really can't say why. This song is just a perfect Latin-tinged folk confection.
Fitz & the Tantrums - Moneygrabber
One of the best soul throwback songs to come about in a long while, plus it's catchy as hell.
Ryan Adams - Wonderwall
As much as I listen to music, I managed to completely miss this amazing Oasis cover that apparently came out in 2007.
Lissie - In Sleep
I passed up Lissie initially because I thought "Meh another female artist trying to resurrect their Sheryl Crow aspirations", but this song just wrapped itself around my brain and refuses to leave. If anything, she's the new Stevie Nicks circa 1975.
Paul Simon - The Afterlife
The fear of late-career dropoff significantly waned for me after hearing this new single off of Simon's upcoming album. A cross between New Orleans zydeco and reggae, mixed with Simon's sardonic wit, it's the best stuff he's done in years.
Reading: Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman
Watching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 4
Listening: Janelle Monae "The ArchAndroid"
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